In the Community
We're blessed to be part of a great community, and our team is committed to giving back. Below are some of the initiatives that we support:
Seymour Pink - is an active grass roots organization with one goal: to raise awareness and fight breast cancer - a disease that afflicts so many families. Seymour Pink calls us all to “See More Pink!” through many community-minded fundraising events that rally people together behind this important cause. Want to do your part? You can participate in Seymour Pink’s: Annual Pasta Dinner, Banners for Pink, Pounding the Pavement for Pink, Walk A Mile in Her Shoes, Seymour Pink Day, Mammo Bus & Cut-A-Thon, Seymour Pink Golf Tournament, and Wine Tasting Event.
Monkey Love Drive - started by our very own Debbie MacNamara in 2007 with her husband John Landry, the Annual Monkey Drive collects stuffed monkeys for local children in need. Since its inception, it has benefited over 7,000 kids, with donations given to organizations ranging from Boys & Girls Clubs to School Programs, local shelters and hospitals.
Soles4Souls - mission is “to collect new shoes to give relief to the victims of abject suffering and collect used shoes to support micro-business efforts to eradicate poverty.” The founder, Wayne Elsey, felt compelled to take action after seeing the great devastation caused by the 2004 tsunami that hit Southeast Asia. Despite each disaster, natural or man-made, Soles4Souls as well as their other divisions Clothes4Souls and Hope4Souls, continue their efforts to “change the world one pair at a time.”
Please contact us to get involved!
Wheels for the World - is a great organization that takes old wheel chairs and refurbishes them and sends them to children and adults with disabilities world-wide. Our driver Frank Synos and our crews work with Joy Eusebio, the head of the local chapter, to help collect, store, and deliver wheel chairs to be refurbished, providing the gift of not only mobility but hope and joy as well.
Support Our Troops - Haynes participated in Mrs. Ann Donato’s efforts to support our troops this past year. As a retired teacher, her devotion began in 2006 when she felt compelled to extend a helping hand to our soldiers abroad. Mrs. Donato promised to send care packages each year until our soldiers come home. To date, she’s sent 814 troops 1,560 care packages at a cost of $16,692.78. We’re proud to be a part of her cause. Mrs. Donato explains her inspiration comes from the thank you notes she receives from our troops
Valley Back to School Book Bag & School Supply Drive - originally started by the owners of Luther's Garage, this initiative continues on an annual basis through Jennifer Sneider, owner of J Cuts, located at 505 Howe Avenue in downtown Shelton. J Cuts is the main collection location. Supplies may include book bags, book covers, rulers, pens, pencils, erasers, notebooks, binders, glue, crayons, calculators, pencil sharpeners, paper and folders. Supplies are collected for all school-aged children from pre-school to high school. All book bags and supplies must be brand new. Children who benefited from this community effort last year included those serviced by T.E.A.M., Inc. of Derby and the Boys and Girls Clubs located in Shelton and Ansonia.
Touch-a-truck at UMC
Woodbury Memorial Day Parade